As soon as the season for ducks and geese draws to a close it’s time to turn my attention to Turkey hunting. Each year for the past three years I have made the trek to Eastern Washington, “where the Turkeys are.” We are fortunate in Washington State to have an abundance of wild Merriam’s (Meleagris gallopavo merriami).
Their populations have been growing steadily for the past 10
years or so. In the past 5 years their numbers have soared dramatically. In
many counties in Washington the Turkey has become a nuisance bird, entering
into people’s yards and messing their lawns and even their porches. This is
good for the Turkey hunter because we can now take three birds, 2 in Eastern WA
and one in Western WA.
My preparation routine is simple. I plan on taking a few
vacation days beginning on the 15th of April for the actual hunt. The
Turkey hunting season in Washington almost always begins in mid-week. I find
getting out there on the first day catches the birds off guard. Once the season
is into its second week the Turkeys have become weary of the hunter, the sound
of the gun, and the additional movement in their territories it’s much more
difficult to hunt them.
Several weeks before the start of the season I bring out my
Turkey spreadsheet, which is a glorified camping check list but includes all
the Turkey hunting paraphernalia that you need for the successful hunt. I have
put together a Quick Camping/Hunting Kit
that sits ready to go at a moment’s notice in my garage. In preparation for
Turkey hunting I haul it out and examine everything in it on the living room
floor. I make sure the flashlights have fresh batteries as well as the air
mattress pump. I check the air mattresses to make sure they haven’t developed
any leaks. I also check the zippers on everything, coats, sleeping bags, small
stuff bags, etc.; nothing worse than the sleeping bag without a working zipper
on a cold April night.
I also clean my small propane stove and make sure it lights
immediately. I also check to make sure I have plenty of gas cartridges. I check
my Mr. Buddy portable heater as well and stock up on the green propane
cartridges that it uses. Although the Mr. Buddy heater has an O2 sensor I also
grab a CO2 and CO detector just in case the levels in the tent get too high.
Once everything checks out I repack the kit and begin
examining my camo, ammo, gun, and calls. I usually full dress once before the
hunt just to make sure everything fits, works, and doesn’t need a stitch or
two. Everything gets packed in their appropriate bag.
Learning to Call
Now I begin practicing my calls. I use all kinds of Turkey calls; everything from the box call to the diaphragm mouth call. The friction calls – box and slate or pot calls require both hands but are great beginner calls. There is also a push-button call that is the easiest of all to use. When I first get into the turkey’s territory and I don’t know where the roost is I begin with the box or pot call. They are loud and effective.
My preference is for mouth calls. Although I’ve been doing some call practicing all year long I get my mouth parts toughened up for the actual hunt, especially the roof of my mouth, which tends to get a little soft. The high dome diaphragm calls that I like best can really cut up the roof of your mouth if you don’t spend some time toughening it up. I listen to Turkey calls on a CD and begin to mimic those calls. I have about 5 typical calls that I can do fairly decently. One full month of daily practice should get you in top form.
There are nine basic Turkey mouth calls that even the beginner can easily learn. They are:
- The Cluck – reference word is Pluck, using your lips to force the sound Pluck.
- The Kee Kee - (the whistle of a young bird – often used in Fall Turkey hunting to call Turkeys back together). The reference word is pee. Use your lips like a valve
- Yelp – slur two notes together, the high and the low. This the call you usually make using a box call or a slate call. Chalk is the reference word. Learn to say chalk when you are using the mouth call – High to low.
- Kee Kee Run – run the pee pee sound with the Yelp and you have the young bird call sound. With your mouth call in it comes out Kee Kee Kee chalk chalk.
- Cackle – jaw movement is everything in the Cackle. The reference word is Kak. This is exciting to the Gobbler. Kak, Kak, Kak, Kak, Kak rapidly and drop off at the end.
- Cut – great locator call. It gets the Tom to react. Very aggressive fast clucking but sharper and more intent. The reference word is Puck. Use your lips for the Cut.
- Purr – is a contented sound. The hen purrs shows the Tom that she’s not interested and it gets the Tom excited. This is a throat call – vibrate the vocal cords. Some people can do this and some can’t.
- Gobble – you can do this with a mouth call or with hand held rubber gobble call. The reference word for the Gobble is Taw. It sounds like a Jake gobbling which can aggravate the Tom; it’s an intimidation call. Your jaw needs to be loose.
- Wavy Call – same as the whine. You are making the S sound. Use tone pressure to vary the sound. The reference sound is New. Say it several times in rapid succession.
Checking your Weapon
I check my gun. This year I took my trusty Remington 870 and purchased a camo
thumbhole butt stock and forestock. As soon as it arrived from Cabala’s I sat down
at the dining room table, covered with a blanket and installed the new stock.
Now I have myself a real Turkey gun. The following weekend I took the gun to
the range and tried it out. It only accommodates 3” shells but my surgery
afflicted shoulder can’t take any more than that. The 3 ½” shells pack a
significant wallop and I’m not sure I can take that punishment. However, they
do give you added range and with a good Turkey choke a very dense pattern. If
your shoulder can take it I recommend the 3 ½ inch shells.
time to pattern your gun, right before you go on your hunt. I like to get the
black targets with the green circles over the Turkey head and neck region. As
the shot pierces the target the entry spot turns a fluorescent green letting
you know from a distance how you did. Make your shot from the likely position
you will be hunting from, sitting down against a tree or bush, full camo. I
have taken to using a shooting stick that can be dropped immediately when the
shot is made. It offers that extra steadiness that is essential. Many Turkey
hunters also use a knee rest. It straps to the leg just above the knee and has
a groove in it for the barrel of the gun. Either way it’s a good way to steady
your shot.
With just a few weeks to go my tasks are to line up my
hunting buddy and make sure he has the list of everything he needs to get to
carry his share of the weight. Two days before the hunt we meet and go over the
check list just to make sure we have everything. I usually take care of all the
food and do the cooking. I was a chef for 15 years in Seattle so that part
comes naturally. I try to put together quick breakfast’s and one pot meals in
zip lock bags that can just be placed in a pot of boiling water and heated up.
This year we are camping to keep the overall costs low. I
have a large 6 person tent that I got at Costco for $100. It’s easy to set up
and is roomy. You can stand up in the center of the tent which gives you a
feeling of roominess. In addition, I built a camo rain fly. I purchased a large
camo tarp and used the old rain fly as a pattern. The new rainproof tarp/fly
goes all the way down to the bottom of the tent to prevent rain from blowing in
at the base.
Here’s my brilliant idea: I purchased six or seven Mylar
emergency reflective blankets and sewed them to the inside of the tarp. This
way I’ve got a tarp that is not only fully rainproof but reflects the heat back
down into the tent that would normally escape. In the summer time I can reverse
the tarp and reflect the hot sun away from the tent to keep it cool inside.
With this configuration we will be warm and dry in April in Eastern WA even if
the weather turns cold and wet.
Turkey Camouflage
I’m often asked, “How much camo do I need to buy?” My answer
is as much as you can afford. True, turkey hungers in the old days didn’t have
much camo but there weren’t as many hunters either. Try to use camo that is the
same pattern from head to foot. I recommend layering because it can be very
cold in April then warm up near 70 degrees in Eastern Washington. The same is
true for other parts of the country.
You need a good pair of camo, breathable, pants that will
keep you dry. You can wear them over long under ware or over jeans. You need a
good camo jacket, ideally with a liner that can be removed if it gets too warm.
Next you need light camo gloves so your hands don’t stick out as silly white
objects holding your gun.
you need a camo mask of some type to cover your face. Ideally one that can be
pulled down in a jiffy once you hit your bird. Don’t forget your camo hat. I
like the beanie hat, one that is water resistant and breathable. It can be
pulled down over your ears when it’s really cold. One last thing to remember;
get a pair of gray or camo socks. As you are sitting down waiting for your
Turkey to appear and your pants ride up a little and you don’t want gleaming
white socks sticking out of your boots telling the Turkeys exactly where not to
I also recommend getting a Turkey vest. The best kind have numerous pockets for your various calls as well as a seat cushion and padded back for leaning against a bumpy tree for hours on end.
Normally I take a couple of weekends in March to scout the
territory I’m going to be hunting. I try to line up a farmer or two, where I’ve
seen Turkeys and ask them if I can hunt on their lands. This year I will still
do some scouting in the Cle Elum area, just east of the mountains but I’ve made
a new arrangement that will eliminate the need for the March scouting. I met a guy
on a hunting website who offered to show me where Turkeys are on his property
in exchange for a copy of my cookbook. He’s had many Turkeys in his backyard
this winter and early spring so I think we will be able to take our limit if we
play our cards right.
However, most Turkey hunters don’t have the luxury of a
guide or access to private property where birds are seen every day in the same
place doing the same things. That’s why careful scouting is essential. Take the
time to visit several known Turkey areas. Knock on doors to ask farmers and
land owners if they have seen Turkeys and would they mind if you hunted on
their property.
Bring a gift or something to create some indebtedness. I
usually bring a signed copy of my cookbook and some homemade bread. Some
farmers will ask you to pay a small access fee to hunt their property. If
someone else has already gotten permission to hunt their land ask them if it
would be alright for you to contact them during the off season about next year.
Farmers will often spell out the rules for hunting on their
property. Obey these rules religiously or they won’t allow you to hunt the
property the next year. If they say you can only take one bird than don’t take
two. You want to build friendships and long lasting relationships with farmers
and land owners that will assure you of many years of successful Turkey
hunting. I can’t stress this point enough. Send them a thank you note and call
them once or twice during the year so that they remember you, how nice you
were, and how you treated their property with respect.
The Night Before
I like to head over to the hunting site the day before,
early enough to do some scouting. Give yourself plenty of time to set up camp
and get something to eat before you begin scouting. As it is still fairly light
out nearly to 7:00 PM I walk or ride around on the roads and into the fields
along tree lines shock calling until I hear their roosting site. Patience and
silence is the key. Use your truck to drive up and down roads stopping
occasionally to make shock calls.
Also, use your binoculars to scan the horizon for any fat
dark spots on the branches that might be Turkeys. You only have an hour to do
this at most because the Turkeys won’t root until it starts to get dark and
once it’s dark it’s hard to tell what you are looking at or where you’ve been.
You can trip and fall once it gets dark and wreck our hunting trip before it
gets started. Use a headlamp!
Once we have located a roost by using various calls; owl,
crow, or just a very loud screaming call you need to determine where you will
position yourself in the morning. Remember, it’s going to be dark and
everything will look different in the dark. Make a few marks using colored tape
or cloth to find your way in the morning. You should plan on getting set up one
hour before the Turkeys are ready to leave the roost. Set your decoy (s) out in
a natural setting about 150 yards or so from the roost.
The Early Morning
up early; generally be ready to head out by 4:00 or 4:30 AM depending on how
far away the roosting spot is. When the light begins to emerge you will begin
to see the Turkeys in the trees, exactly where they were the night before.
Watch their movements and listen for any signs that they might be getting ready
to fly down. You may make a few clucks or yelps to attract the Turkeys out of
the trees when the time is right. Don’t try to call too early; it won’t have
any effect on the birds. Remember the large Toms will easily fly 100 yards or
more from their roost to the ground below. They could just as easily fly 150
yards away from you as towards you. If you are hunting as a team try to cover ¼
of the potential roost landing area. With proper calling you should be able to
get one or two of them to fly towards you and your decoy.
Speaking of Decoys, you have several choices but here are a
few guidelines. Get a decoy that is light weight can collapse quickly and then
quickly set up again. Those made of molded polyethylene with realistic head and
feathers are great because they can be folded up and stuffed into your back
pack. Another good choice is the inflatable decoys. They have an extremely
realistic look but if you accidently hit one with your shot it will immediately
deflate and they are hard to patch. Finally there are the Turkey Skins. These
are real turkey feathers that can be slipped over your plastic decoy and
exactly simulate a turkey with feathers fluffing in the breeze. If you can only
afford one turkey I recommend it be a Tom with a full fan. Most Tom decoy’s
come with a synthetic fan but when you get your first bird preserve the real
fan and use it on your decoy the next time you go out.
You may have to move yourself and the decoys if the Turkeys
land in the opposite direction. This is why it’s important to call them just
before they are likely to fly from the roost on their own. Use your hat or some
Turkey feather to rub the ground to simulate the sound of the hen on the
The male Turkey loses all sense of rationality during the
early spring. He wants only one thing – to mate with the hen. He is likely to
make mistakes that he wouldn’t otherwise make during other parts of the year.
Knowing the male Turkey’s behavior patterns is essential. This takes practice
and experience. Try to go Turkey hunting the first few times with someone who
has done it before and knows the tips and tricks.
If you can’t find the roosting spot look for telltale signs
of Turkey activity. Look for tracks or dusting spots where the birds have
fluffed up their feathers and dusted themselves to remove parasites. Look for
feathers or any signs of fighting between males. Males get very angry with each
other when they are competing for the same female and feathers fly everywhere.
The Hunt
You may have to move several times to stay ahead of the
Turkeys you are following. Last year we called the birds and saw a faint
impression a half mile down the road. They kept turning to the left and we kept
moving towards the right to try to get in front of them. Fortunately they moved
ahead of us on a ridge. A few head of cattle scared them back towards us and we
were able to shoot a couple of them before they wandered off away from us
again. It can be tricky business.
If you don’t have initial success hunting the roost you may
have to walk several miles to head off birds that take what appear to be
somewhat random walks. Call occasionally to see if you can get a gobbler to
respond. Listen carefully for the direction. Try to get a sense which direction
the response is coming from and heading towards. Once you think you are in
position to head off the Turkeys quickly and quietly set up your decoys and
stay hidden.
One of the biggest mistakes a new Turkey hunter makes is trying
to call too much. Call just enough to get their attention. Once the Tom gobbles
a quick call or two will help him locate you. If he looks like he’s going to
move away begin calling again to get his attention. If he’s moving towards you
ease up on the calling until he’s right in front of you or on top of the decoy.
A final quick call can stop him in his tracks long enough to get off a good
Aim for the head and neck region. The gobbler will make his
traditional fan and fluff presentation several times before he gets close to
the decoy or before he tries to mate with the hen. The secret is to wait for
him to stretch his neck out, such as when he gobbles before pulling the
trigger. You want to shoot him so that the maximum amount of shot hits the head-neck
region. A body shot will likely just send him on his way unless he’s right in
front of you. Then you will spend your time eating delicious Turkey and biting
into shot – no fun.
Remember, the most important element of Turkey hunting is
stealth. You must remain absolutely motionless and as invisible as possible.
Turkeys have great eyesight and will detect anything out of the ordinary. They
are smart birds and even though their raging hormones sometimes compromise
their decisions they will notice your movements and change direction or fly off
in an instant.
Once you see or identify a bird that seems to be responding
to your call, your decoy, or both you need to become very quiet. If you are
hunting with a buddy devise a simple and barely detectable sign or two. If two
eligible birds emerge you may both be able to take simultaneous shots. I use my
trigger finger to discreetly count to three and shoot right after the third tap
on the receiver of my gun. Practice this a few times with your buddy so he knows
the signal. Make sure you both know that the hunter on the right takes the
right bird and the hunter on the left takes the left bird. Don’t turn your head
to look at the other hunter. Instead position yourselves so that you can see
the signal out of the corner of your eye and still see the Turkeys ahead of
The Disappointment
Turkey hunting, as with all hunting is about highs and lows.
You may go days or even years without scoring a bird. Don’t give up. The more
you hunt the greater your chances are that you will be successful. If you
expect to go out Turkey hunting on the second or third weekend of the season on
public lands with little or no scouting you are setting yourself up for failure
and disappointment. Spend the time necessary to do your homework, scout, get
access to private lands, hunt on the first day of the season, and plan on
hunting on several days successively. Follow these simple rules and you will
eventually get your Turkey.
My rule of thumb is to take the first available legal bird
as soon as possible. Then for my second tag look for the big Tom. At least you will
have something to show for your efforts and a delicious Jake that you shot is
far better than the store bought Turkey any day.
Hunt in the morning and in the late afternoon. Turkeys get
pretty quiet during mid day in the spring especially if the sun is out and it
warms up. Once the shadow lines begin to grow long you will have that second
chance to get your bird. Try to get between them and their previous evening
roosting spot. There is no guarantee they will roost in the same spot the
chances are likely especially if they haven’t been shot at. Give yourself every
chance possible to get your Turkey.
The Triumph
The big Tom slowly walks up to your decoy or responds to your careful calling. He’s in the sights of your gun and you pull the trigger. Down he goes and that rare feeling of elation and excitement overcomes you. Now what do you do? The first thing to do is carefully set your gun down or lean it against a tree, preferably somewhere where you can keep it in sight. Make sure any shells are ejected and that the safety is on. Then briskly walk towards your downed bird. If the Turkey is still alive and actively flapping away straddle the bird, breast side down, and twist the neck to break it. Generally, if the shot was on target the bird is dead but its reflex actions are causing it to flop and fluff around sometimes for several minutes.
I like to dress the bird out as soon as possible, get it on
ice, and in the cooler. I’m not going to discuss Turkey dressing at this point;
there are plenty of good books, articles, and videos on how to dress out the
Many people like to skin the bird taking feathers and all.
This is much simpler and less time consuming but you won’t have any crispy skin
to munch on. Pulling the feathers is very time consuming and tedious process; they
don’t always want to come out. Dunking the Turkey in very hot water can be
dangerous because you can actually cook the skin a bit, which will not enhance
the flavor, and will result in quick spoilage.
The Delicious
American Turkey
Wild Turkeys have incredible eyesight and are much smarter
than given credit for. As soon as you clean your Turkey you may want to pop it
in the freezer for cooking within the next few weeks. If you have a Food Saver
device that sucks the air out of the bag it will last for six months or more. Wild
Turkey is extremely lean meat, as are most game birds so it needs a little
additional fat to keep it moist.
Turkeys are flavorful but can be a bit dry if not prepared
correctly. The most important step is brining the Turkey. Brining involves
submerging the bird completely in water that has been flavored with salt, brown
sugar, and vinegar. The recipe is 3 TBS salt, 3 TBS brown sugar, and ½ cup
white vinegar for every gallon of water. A large wild Turkey should sit in the brine
I like to inject the Turkey meat using a meat injector. I
use 1 stick of butter, ¼ cup of white wine, and 1 tsp. of poultry seasoning.
Inject it several times in the thickest parts of the meat; in the legs, thighs,
and the breasts. Feel free to stuff the bird with your favorite Turkey stuffing
but make sure that stuffing is cold when you put it into the bird cavity and
that the cavity is well seasoned.
- Wild Turkey, skin on or skinned
- 1 stick of butter
- ½ lb salt pork
- Meat injector
- 2 cups chicken stock
- ½ onion, rough chopped
- 1 carrot, rough chopped
- 1 stalk celery, rough chopped
- Large roasting pan
- Heavy duty aluminum foil
- ¼ cup Seasoning mix
After thawing the bird slowly in the refrigerator wash it
off in cold water and plunge it into a brine solution of salt, vinegar, sugar,
and water to completely cover the bird; brine overnight. Remove the bird from
the brine and wash in cold water again. Check carefully for any shot entry spots
and feel around for shot. Carefully pry out any shot if you find it. If you are
using steel shot you can use a strong magnet to find the shot.
Place the bird in a roasting pan, directly on the pan, not
in a rack. Add the cut vegetables. Melt the butter. Begin injecting the bird in
various locations using up all the butter solution. Pour any remaining butter
all over the cold bird. The butter should solidify almost immediately. Season
the bird with the seasoning mix inside and out, especially on the bottom of the
bird. Slice the salt pork into very thin slices and drape them over the bird,
including over the legs. You can substitute bacon for the salt pork but blanch
the bacon first to remove some of the smoke flavor.
Tightly cover the bird and roasting pan with aluminum foil.
Roast in a 335 degree F oven. Roast for about 4 hours. Check occasionally and
add some chicken stock about ½ way through the cooking process. Remove the foil
for the last hour so the bird browns up nicely.
Turkey gravy
Make a blond roux (equal parts of flour and fat by weight,
cooked over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes. Do not burn)
Add the strained stock from the roasting pan whisking
continuously. Remember the rule for no lumps, cold stock to hot roux – hot
stock to cold roux. Thicken the gravy. Add 1 TBS sherry and season to taste.
Darken with a little kitchen bouquet if you like. You may also cut up the
cooked liver and heart and add it to the gravy for traditional giblet gravy.
Serve with all your favorite Thanksgiving favorites even if it isn’t
Above all, have fun. Turkey hunting can be very frustrating
but most of the fun is getting out there with friends and sharing in the hunt.
It will probably be the most expensive Turkey you ever eat but the thrill of hunting,
dressing, and cooking your own Tom Turkey is well worth the effort and cost.
A good place to start is www.hunting-washington.com Check out the turkey hunting forum for some great information from seasoned Turkey Hunting experts.
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